Career Outcomes

If career improvement is your goal, Japanese language proficiency can provide advantages.

Japanese proficiency:
your path to career improvEment

Career outcomes for KCP alumni are many and varied. Graduates from KCP have stayed in Japan, married and made a life there, teach in Japan, work for Fortune 500 companies with Japanese offices, or use their Japanese experience to work in other Asian countries (like Korea and Taiwan) where Japanese knowledge is a plus. Advanced education, study in other Asian languages, teaching Japanese, animé-manga, film, and photography are exciting areas that students have pursued.

KCP graduates are JET teachers and beyond

Some KCP alumni work for Japanese companies, or for American companies doing business in the Japanese market. Some students have used the Japanese they learn for Japan studies, or becoming Japanese language teachers. KCP graduates work in Japan through the Japan and Exchange Teaching (JET) Programme. Some become English teachers at English conversation schools or public schools in Japan. A photographer alumnus has taken many professional photos of life in Japan. An artistic student has chosen to combine her Japanese language and animé to become a film illustrator. With the strong working command of Japanese you will gain after study in Tokyo with KCP, your career options are wide open.

Career Strategies

Expand your horizons

By living real life in Japan, you improve not only your language skills, but also your inter-cultural competence. Combining profound Japanese language fluency with other skills makes you much more employable. Make and nurture connections with friends in Tokyo, to help retain your ability to “think in Japanese” and have touchstone people when you return to visit. Teaching another language gives you more opportunity to visit that country frequently. Exchanging opinions and celebrating cultural differences gains you entry to the global village.

Continue (or complete) your studies

Having solid knowledge of the Japanese language gives you a strong leg up in today’s competitive landscape. For professionals, graduating from college is not an option. It’s a requirement. Since KCP is such an intensive program, you’ll make great headway towards your degree. The KCP program is paired with nine universities in the U.S. Through those nine universities, students have earned academic credit for graduation from well over a hundred U.S. universities.

Work in Japan

Many KCP alumni have stayed in Japan to work, thanks to their strong Japanese. To teach English in Japan (in the JET Programme), you must be a college graduate and fluent in Japanese; KCP can help! Your advanced Japanese fluency will help you live and work in Japan.

Learn in Japan

Many KCP students continue their studies, in Japanese, full time at a Japanese university. KCP alumni have been accepted into top graduate schools like Tokyo University, Waseda University, Nagoya University, Tsukuba University and Sophia University. Students have applied to and been accepted into undergraduate programs at Waseda, Sophia, Chiba University, Musashino Art University, and others. In all, students are enrolled in over 20 Japanese universities.

Spend the Winter In Japan

See the beauty of Japan this Winter and learn the Japanese language in the heart of Tokyo. Application Deadline: October 11. Apply today!

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Student Life

Past and present students share their thoughts and experiences on studying in Japan.

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If you’re looking for an intensive course, then KCP is the place to go! Although it was hard work, it was also a lot of fun and I’m very pleased with my current language skill – and I’ve only just finished Level 1! Going out with the class for a final dinner really showed me how much we’d learnt as we had no problems in conveying our feelings even though our only common language was Japanese. I’d come back in a heartbeat.

—Aleya Thompson